The Paradox of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)


Social determinants of health (SDOH) affect 80% of health outcomes, yet efforts to apply SDOH analytics have not resulted in improved outcomes. Find out why a modernized approach to SDOH can strengthen the patient journey through more individualized care and better outcomes.



For some time now, there has been broad agreement that SDOH (like economic stability, health literacy, race, and ethnicity) highly influence how and whether individuals interact with the healthcare system which, in turn, impacts health outcomes. Why, then, aren’t organizations getting better results from initiatives that attempt to utilize and leverage real-world data such as SDOH? 

We believe the answer is grounded in two key factors:

1) Not all SDOH are created equal: Data accuracy and completeness are lacking and, therefore, impact the foundational integrity of any effort.

2) Compliance is often based on antiquated systems, whereas a modernized “always on” and systemic approach addresses both disparate outcomes and privacy/regulatory factors.

We explore these further and offer seven best practices in our recent white paper that helps ensure successful use of SDOH data in health outcomes improvement initiatives.

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