Explore VNA Solutions with this Dynamic Comparison Chart


Does your vendor neutral archive make data retrieval efficient? Compare over 30 VNA solutions with this dynamic chart and find what you’ve been looking for.

Health systems are moving to vendor neutral archives (VNAs) for a number of reasons. They make it easier to share data between departments and across organizations. When paired with enterprise viewing software, a VNA can enable collaboration, giving each provider access to the patient’s entire medical history and images. As the foundation of an enterprise imaging solution, it creates opportunities to increase efficiencies, streamline workflows, lower costs, and improve patient care.

Transitioning a health system’s operating system to a VNA is a significant investment. To help your organization choose the right fit, ITN magazine has created a tool to compare more than 30 different VNA solutions.

The chart covers a range of options for comparison, including whether the solution has vendor agnostic storage, comprehensive lifecycle management, and how many healthcare integrations the company has completed.

Explore the dynamic VNA comparison chart now (login to ITN is required; subscription is free).

A VNA is an investment in the future of your healthcare system, capable of working efficiently even when parts of the IT environment change. If one stakeholder moves to a proprietary system, a VNA ensures that data continues to be shared efficiently between all stakeholders.

Ready to future-proof your organization? Contact Change Healthcare for a deeper dive.

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